"No More" Everything seemed so storybook, And how the love seemed real, A kiss from you so magical, A hug...pure heaven. When we were together, Together, One, Inseparable. We were cherubs sharing the same cloud of love. Yet when apart, Disconnected, Alone, Lost, We were very apart. Phone lines and heavy hearts can only go so far. Truth proclaimed, Love exclaimed, But the storybook soon closed... No happily ever after scribed on the final page. The truth proclaimed for so very long, Was but a joker's scheme. Now pieces of me strewn across the ground, As I crumble in pain. How could I be so blind? Yet fault does not rest in my hands. I have long endured the burden of your lies, I have long places blame upon myself when the blame was solely yours. No more. I crumble into dust and am blown away with the wind. I scatter; knowing you can never harm me again. Shedding the pain I've held for so long, With the endless tears released from my eyes. Alone, Crushed, Yet free. (c)Kristy Silvernail-June 15,1998